DIVISION AGES & DESCRIPTIONSAs a guide, we have added the divisions that LWAA offers based on the US Soccer Birth Year and Season Matrix for the season of 2024 to help everyone understand the age groups. Whatever year your child was born, is what division they belong in.First Touch AcademyBirth Years: 2021-March 2022First Touch will have a hour session once a week (usually Saturdays) starting March 22nd and running into mid-May. We expect to have 6-7 sessions this season. Training at this age is performed as a group (Academy Style), there are no games.U6 (2019/2020)Birth Years: 2019 and 2020 6-9 players per team. Teams will play 4v4 or 5v5 based on the size of teams during game day (at the coaches discretion). 2019/20 Coed will practice once a week (day, time & location decided by the coach before the season starts) and will have a game on Saturdays during the season (usually between 9 AM - 3 PM). Practices will start the second week of March and games will start March 22nd.U8 (2017/2018)Birth Years: 2017 and 20186-9 players per team. Teams will play 4v4 or 5v5 based on the size of teams during game day (at the coaches discretion). 2017/18 Coed will practice once a week (day, time & location decided by the coach before the season starts) and will have a game on Saturdays during the season (usually between 9 AM - 3 PM). Practices will start the second week of March and games will start March 22nd. Boys and Girls U10 (2015/2016)Birth Years: 2015 and 201610-11 players per team. Teams will play 7v7 or 8v8 depending on registration numbers. The fields and goals are larger in this division then the younger divisions. 2015/16 will have 2 weekday practices during the week (day, time & location decided by the coach before the season starts, most teams practice at Field Day Park). Once games start, teams will drop to one practice per week with one weekday game and one Saturday game. Locations for games include Field Day Park, Crowders Creek Elementary, Bethel Elementary. Practices will start the first week of March and games will start March 15th.Boys and Girls U12 (2013/2014)Birth Years: 2013 and 201411-13 players per team. Teams will play 9v9. U12 will have 2 practices during per week (day, time & location decided by the coach before the season starts, typically at Field Day Park). There will be one game per week and can be played on any day during the week. Locations for games include Field Day Park, Allison Creek. Once games start, teams will drop to one practice per week with one weekday game and one Saturday game. Locations for games include Field Day Park, Crowders Creek Elementary, Bethel Elementary, and Allison Creek. Practices will start the first week of March and games will start March 15th.Coed U14 (2011/2012)Birth Years: 2011 and 201211-13 players per team. Teams will play 9v9. 2011/12 will practice twice a week (day, time & location decided by the coach before the season starts, typically Field Day Park). Once games start, teams will drop to one practice per week with one weekday game and one Saturday game. Locations for games include Field Day Park, Allison Creek and if we team with other leagues, potential away games in Belmont, Clover, or Steele Creek. Practices will start the first week of March and games will start March 15th.Coed U16 (2009/2010)Birth Years: 2009 and 2010 9-14 players per team. Team sizes will be determined by how many registrants we have and what other leagues we team up with. The fields and goal sizes may vary. 2009/10 will practice twice a week (day, time & location decided by the coach before the season starts, typically Field Day Park). Once games start, teams will drop to one practice per week with one weekday game and one Saturday game. Locations for games include Field Day Park, Allison Creek and potential other league member locations. Practices will start the first week of March and games will start March 15th.
LWAA Soccer CommissionerSean DriscollLWAA Assistant Soccer CommissionersAshley PhillipsCorrie LaytonStephanie Jordan
Lake Wylie Athletic Association President - Kyle Crowe, PO BOX 5299Lake Wylie, South Carolina 29710
Email: [email protected]